Visa Refused? You still have options!

Previously, if you had a visa refused section 48 of the Migration Act prevented you from applying for almost all other visas whilst still in Australia for 3 years. This was known as the ‘s 48 bar’ and often meant migrants had no other options to remain in Australia. However, thanks to Covid and skilled migration shortage, the s 48 bar now can be waived for skilled visa applicants applying for 190, 491 and 494 visa applications.

What does this mean for rural Australia?

Subclasses 491 and 494 require skilled migrants to work in regional areas. The 494 is an employer sponsored 5 year visa which means that the employer means retains a skilled migrant for 5 years and for the skilled migrant, it gives them an avenue to permanent residency after 3 years.

Give Whiteley Ironside & Shillington a call on (02) 6362 1866 to talk to one of our migration experts.

Migration Law



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